Sample Web-Based Member Directory

Does Your Association's Web Site Need A Way To Search For And Display Member Listings? 

Our New Directory Search Tools Empower Your Web Site To Search For Members, Listed By Products and Services, City, Company Name, or Contact Names, Using The Information You Already Have In Hammers System. 

Uploading Hammers' Member Listings Is A Push Of A Single Button!

So There's No Need To Develop A Site To Do This. It's All Here For You To Use Today!


Use Our Search Engine To Find Members By Entering:

  • Any word or part of the company's name.
  • A member company contact's last name or first name.
  • A member company's type of service or product, like "builder" or "electrical" or "concrete".
  • For Example, entering "industrial" in the search field will provide a list of members who have "industrial" in
    their type of service or in their company name, such as "Smith Industrial Supply" or
    "Industrial Contractors, Inc.".
  • Or entering "smith" in the search field will result in a list of all member companies where "smith" is
    in the company name, like "Alexander Smith Construction Company" or "Smith Industrial Supply Company".
    It will also show all companies where the member company's contact has the last name "Smith".
  • Use lowercase text for all search entries.
  • Do not use quotes.
  • Use The City Drop-Down to restrict the search to specific City.
  • Use The Products/Services Drop-Down to restrict the search to specific Types of Work or Services.
  • Use More Than One of the Search Criteria to further limit the search results.
  • Use the "Clear" Button to start a new search.